A incremental game made for new year incremental game jam 2023(Theme: capped at 1).

Your dimensions costs "matter", which adds your antimatter. The same way, it produces "matter", which annilate your antimatter down to 1.Higher dimension produces the lower one.You can gain 1 infinity points if you reached 1 antimatter.

IP gain could be increased by challenges, which has orange border; others with green ones lowers the difficulty of infinity.

There're 6 tiers of upgrades/challenges can be bought. Try them and find the best set!

Bad English + Bad style huh

github : https://github.com/QwQe308/NYIGJ2023-Reverse-Them-All-EN

Rated 2.5 out of 5 stars
(2 total ratings)
TagsIdle, Incremental


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uh found a bug if you get all 4 reset loops the antimater keeps going up rather than down 

Pretty fun.  Kept me entertained for a few hours.  I'd suggest adding some sort of explicit, in-game win condition.

Extremely confusing. Maybe add some more detailed explanations.

ok i added some :) thanks for replying